Thursday, January 28, 2010


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! its 2010 dude!
I know its quite late for the wish but january is still with us,doesnt matter lah..huhu
this time,i celebrate new year at MELAKA..with who???
haha..ofcoz not with my syg k..i celeb with my sis n bro-in-law..
we went travell all around the historical town by our own feet okay..
ala-ala mat2 salleh travell lak..,we went to famosa, dataran pahlawan, jonker street n many places i didnt mention here..i forgot already lor..huhu..we snap some pic here n there..its tiring yet exciting!!
hihi..n YES! i really do had a great day at melaka! Ohh ya, i also got a new brand of
sandal n cardigan for myself there..yeaayy!!
thought of window shopping at first but these 2 stuffs really attract my attention..i cant do anything except to just buy it...haahah!;P

Thursday, January 7, 2010

welcome 2010!

New year tahun ni ak sambut kat KL bersama2 akk kesygn ku dan husband dia.
Mcm biasa la kalau ngan abg ipar ak ni.Dia mmg pantang kalau ada event apa2,mesti dia nk join.
Al maklum la dia ni photography addict. snap it's his hobby befire kwin ngn akk ak lagi. 2nd wife dia is his baby alpha canon tercyg and now akk ak pun da ikut jejak langkah suami dia. huhuhu

Kalau ikut plan, lepas Ili hantar ak kat stesen serdang malam tu, ak naik train ke stesen kerinchi. Group photography abg ipar ak plan nak pg flat lame kat pekeliling.
Kata nya boleh dpt shot fireworks yg lawa2 dr atas. Nahh..its great kan kalo dpt tgk fireworks dr ats. hehe. Lebih2 pulak its a new year countdown nite. weeee~~

But unfortunetly plan cancel, ak tak dibenarkan join cause its a danger place. Drug addicts belambak ngah lyan dadah. Cettt!! Tak gune betul la. Punah harapan ak.
So, they promise nk bawak ak g sunway mlm esok nya. Yeeeayyy!!
That makes me feel better dr kekecewaan xdpt tgk fireworks. haha
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