Sunday, August 9, 2009

h a n g 0 u t . b o w l i n g . k a r o k e . m a k a n .

ari jumaat ri2, ak, Yati n Umi g BPmall pas class math..
hmm,lam kul 12 gak la g sne nek bus..slalu nye nek kete Ili, tp dhe xde lak, blik Serdang ade knduri, jz 3 of us y hangout dis tyme..smpy2 g Pacific jap, tman Yati bli jeans n baju tuk Ewan (bf kecyagn Yati)..hihi..penat sgt! susah nk cri baju laki ni, byk mmg byk sale, tp xtaw nk pilih mne st y suitble tuk Ewan..kitog kn gurl, mne la taw sgt nk pilih2 bj laki ni..len la kalo bj pompuan nii...hikhik..pas2, ktowg men bowling!!!yeeahh! lme gle xmen..ase ny da st sem xmen..hihi..but jz Yati n ak jew men..Umi jd cheergurl..huhu..n nk taw?sp menng?(drum music plzzz!!!)yana la menng ...ak!!!hahah...lame xmen pon leh mnng eh?hihi..
next station is to karoke box!! request from Umi laa..dhe mmg gian nk karoke...hihi..
lam 10lagu gak la ktog taram..hihi..konsert syok sndri pon ade gak..but its ok!janji enjoy!!yeeeayy!!!mse abis karoke,jam da kul 7mlm dah..Umi lak pose..kne la buke pose..g footcourt jew!hiihi..but b4 dat ak bli kek tuk Yati sal bday dhe dlu...da janji nk bli Secret xde lak kat BPmall ni...bedal jew kdai kek mne ntah..huhu...but still da cake taste delicious...lpas mkn,g solat magrib n blik ke UTHM...n pas2,lepak jap kat pesta konvo,ade persmbhn,tp we choose to hv a walk fr one n another stall at the fest...hihi...survey jew...
duet suda xde...but Umi bli perfume gak...huhu..pas2,lam kul 1130mlm blik jln kaki ke owg mabuk pon ade ktwg jln..hihih sal sakit kaki laa..jln pon da xbtoi..hihi..smpy blik,rehat,mandi,on9 jap n titow~~

p/s kne siapkn lab report by sunday nyte!
ahad mlm g tgk konsert n cbutan btuah perodua..huhu
siapkn kuiz CNI (almost 4get bout dta LOL!)

Monday, August 3, 2009

j0nkEr WaLk~~

sabtu ari2,ak blik umah umi kat melake..mmg cdg nk g Jonker Walk sal nk bli brg kit tp bkn on dat day..plan nk g b4 ct mid sem alang2 da ad mase sabtu mlm 2, umi n ak pon g la jln2 kat sne.. act, Jonker Walk ni cm Uptown kat shh alam/Gerbang Malm kat Ipoh gak kat cni besh ag kowt..brg2 ny cute miut..hahah!!ktwg planning g lam kul 9mlm,n dsbbkn ktowg tkowt kat sne nt,Umi ajak x-schoolmate dhe; Najib n Fathin... siap sane sni,g lam kul 930mlm gak laa..sal ktowg take tyme nk rest n mandi sume..ptg 2,g anto Yati g MC n mkn Bakso Special...perrgghh!!!lazat xterkate!!..huhu..pedas nk ak ske.. ^_~..Bakso bsame mee claypot!! yummmmy!! tyme wajib g ag laa..hihi.. so,pas lam kul 930mlm tolak dr umah amik Najib n Fathin..due2 member Umi ni sporting n leh blah laa..hihi..dah cmpy cne,,ak grab la bende y mmg ak da aim maklum laa,dlu dpt aim jer sal xde duet,skang nk bli n miliki ny...hahakahkahak..^0^ tuk Dini ak bli pencilcase,,tp sejibik cm soft toy lion..ak da promise nk bg bday present dlu,tp xkesampain lak..dats y ak bli kn dhe ni..sure she's like it!then ak ad la usha beg cantik jer,pk byk kali la nk bli...atlast,bli gak...hohoho..xmahl!standard la kat tmpat2 cmni n leh bargain k..ak tawar menawr nk dptkn bende sume 2 taw..hihi..sib bek laa pndai bodek owg jual 2..hihi..then jaln2 ag,msuk lak kat kdai chumell ni,ak trus grabbed paper clip y comel glerz..Umi pon bli gak..then,ngat nk blik dah..skli dowg nk jln cmpy la ujung Jonker Walk 2..ok!jln laa.. leh kate sume brg2 kat cni unik2 n comey..dats y ramai foreigner dtg cni..then,Umi singgah kat st stall ni..jual kasut sandal..Umi xcited tunjuk kat ak kasut heels made fully from polister la kowt..harge leh thn gak..ak pon cm bminat..tgk!!!ak ni kalo ag lame kat cni mcm2 nk bli..i control myself to not buy dat cute n santek jer.,..hihi.. amik gak laa...tawar ny tawar akhirny bli 3psag oppss!!but all not 4 me k..=P, st tuk ak,Umi n Fathin....Najib pon bli sandal laki st...=] then,sume cm da puas atie jer n penat,we decided to go back home..sume jln menuju ke kete ngn senyuman cmpy telinga...ahakzz~~ lam kete,dowg ckp nk round2 Melake..ak ok jer,sal bkn ak y,kete pon dpandu menuju ke Eyes On Malaysia..y dlu bnde 2 ad kat Tsk Titiwangsa n skang dbeli oleh kerjn Melake.. ktowg jz snap sum pic blatr belkngkn wheel tsebut..hihi..pas2,g lak Eyes On,wheel ni kecik compare ngn td..tepi2 dhe ade Uptown n tasik..kat tasik 2 leh naek bot y dhiaskn ngn lampu warne warni y cantik..ak xlepskn peluang snap pic ngn dowg sume...hihihi lam kul 1230mlm blik la kami ber4 ni...letih gak laa..but overall besh sal dpt brg y ak nk n jln2 kat Melake..hihih



80's =P

we LOVE no. 78..ahakzz

peace MELAKA~~

[eyes On malacca]

cute cute cute~~

for Dinie~~

p/s next tyme g ag ajk Yati n Ili..msti ag besh!!
save ur money Yana!! ^_^

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

**cutEy buttOns**

Tghari smlm ad class mandarin ngn Yang Lau Shí, ktowg wat clas kat tmn
dkat2 ngn Bank Muamalat coz st UTHM xde letrik..ntah xtaw ler npe lak xde bekln,kne la wat class kat dak skola lak..haha..but its ok!besh gak..
sib bek la cuaca mendung ms 2..xla bpanas ktowg nk blajo..huhu..pas class,
kat dataran penyu ad lak progm zakat..emm,cm2 la
lebey kurg name progm ny..ak xsure lak!hihi..
so,ad jualn kat sne..mcm2 ade,ken tudung,brooch,baju,hadiah cute2..n mase
ngah usha brooch kat st gerai ni la ak nmpk "makhluk" y kiut miut..geram lak ase ny..
cm nk bli,tp pas pk 2 3 kali,bwu decide nk bli..button cute + colourful!!!haha..
bayor rm10 dpt 6 taw..hihi..
lme gak laa..umi n yati pon bli yati bli st jew..ak pon cincai kire laa,ag pon
28hb ni bday dhe..xpe,2 jew nk cte sal lecturer mandarin n buttons y CUTE...huhu

ni la buttons y ak ckp 2..cute kn?? =P

p/s jumaat ni kne submite assgmnt CNI,kne wat cpt2 yana!
kamis ni nk pose la ngn umi n yati.
mule diet n senmrobik blik sal da 3ari xwat gara2 progm ank angkat!!huhu

Monday, July 27, 2009

program ank angkat~~

jumaat lepas ak ikowt progrm ank angkat..progrm ni d'incharge' oleh pihak rakan mude.. before ni mmg ak xpnh join sal xtaw progm cmni la nme pon progm rakn mude..kne la alwiz allert ngn new actvty from frenz..program ni dijlnkn kat kg sg kluang darat,rengit,bp.. alaa,xjaoh pon dr pt,progm ni blngsg slme 3hr n 2mlm.. before dis ak dbgtaw oleh member2 sygku y progm ni ramai seniorita y join..means,ak n a few students jew y new join progm cmni..agak cuak laa..takowt xdpt biasekn diri ngn participnt len n most importantly ngn fam angkat ak.. but, alhamdulillah ak dpt sesuaikn ngn fam angkt ak..dowg mmg peramah even thou ak xbpe phm ngn loghat dowg..pekat sgt kowttt!!hiiihhi..ak ni xde darah,,xbpe phm la kalo mak n abah angkat ak ckp jawa..but luckly kakk angkat ak ni y jd translatr ak..coz dhe ckp,dhe prefer ckp melayu than jawe..n i dun know y..huhu dlm mse 3hari tu, mcm2 aktivti y ktowg buat..n sume ny involve fam angkat n owg kg kat sne.. 1st day,pas pendftrn n penyerahn fam angkat,ktowg blik ke umah fam angkat msing2..evy fam dpt 2 ank angkat..ak n wafa dpt st fam angkt y same..sesi knl mngenal la lak kat umah..hehe..then,ptg 2 xde watp sgt,jz lepak kat dewn sri mulia tgk frendly match bet skuad UTHM n owg kg..mlm lak ade bcaan yassin n kami sume dsajikn ngn NASI AMBANG!!sedap sgt2 n xlarat nk mkn..byk sgt even mkn 4owg pon xabis..then,blik umah n sembg2 ng fam angkat n masuk titow~~ 2nd day,pagi2 ag da kne kumpul kat dewn sri mulia..sib bek la umh fam angkat ak ni dpan ngn dewn 2..even ak lmbt pon xpe..still leh catch up n 'on time' gak laa..hikhik.. pagi 2,ktowg gotong royong mencntikkn kswn kg..agk penat gak laa..then,g pacakkn papan tanda UTHM n rakan mude kat jln msuk kg 2..smbil 2 ktowg dsajikn ngn sarapn pagi..n besh ny,ade ns lemak,kueh n ubi rebus cecah sambal!!wahaahh!!selera kg..yumyum!!pewut ak pon men msuk jew mknn y ade..ilang la segale diet kejadah sume..hahah..then,ktowg melwt kwsn pmbuatn baja komposit,pembuatn kueh cakar ayam n plg xleh blah ny..ktowg dbwe ke KL n KK... hahha..msti plik kn?KK tu kandang kamben..n KL lak kndg lembu!!hihi.. kayo taw fam y ade KK n KL ni..n ak sempat pegg baby kamben biri2..structure bulu kamben 2 cm soft toy y ad jual kat psarn jew ak ase.. hihi..but dat baby sheep is so0 cute!!huhu..n plg sonok ny gak..ktowg g ke kwsn2 ni sume nek lori!!hakhakahka...punye la xayu ny ank dra nek lori...hahha..but we hv no choice!..there's no other transprt loorr..huhu..hentam jew laa..enjoy pon enjoy!hoho.. ptg 2 lak lam kul 2ptg,ade progm motivasi tuk dak ak,umi,ili,wafa,perla,nasir n few gurls more dtugaskn wat MURAL kat dinding skola..hmm,poning gak pale ni nk pikir corak nk wat,but atlast after sum combintion of ideas,we managed to create a lovely n cute mural 4 da school..haha..ok kowt!ktowg amik kos engineeing,bukn architect nk lukis2 ni..but overall its a gud experience even last2 ak,umi,ili n wafa y abiskn mural 2 smpy kul 7ptg..but its ok!ni kn kebjikn tuk msyrakt.. mlm lak ktowg ade MLM RIA..mlm 2 nasir n wafa jd mc..sme hebat n da best mc eva!!ade ptdgn karoke,teh tarik n anyam ketupat..mcm2 ragam n bakat tependam leh nmpk mlm tu..haha..ak jz jd penonton setia smpy la abis progm..=P (tkowt kalo ak nyanyi ujan rahmat turun lak mlm 2,,hihihi)..mlm 2 mjlis abis lam kul 1230mlm tmsuk lah pnympain adiah..mmg penat cgt!!n sian kat mak abh angkat ak tggu dpn pin2 smpy kul 1pg..hmm,pas ak smbg lame ngn dowg bwu la msuk tdow..n ak ase mlm y besh aka syahdu skali sal ak n wafa tdow xsedor diri..smpy la bgun kul 750am..pdhal kul 8am kne kumpul kat dewn ag..kihkih..xpe,nk wat cmne kn,da penat n hujan lak subuh 2..2 y tarik selimut sejuk kat kg kn len mcm ckit..da la umah angkat ak 2 umah kayu,kg..lg la lyn tidow ny..huhuh last day,kul 830am da ad kat dewn..ari2 ktowg wat SUKANEKA tuk owg kg..ant games ny futsal,trik tali,belon ari n byk ag nk type cni..huhu..then,kul 230ptg acra penutup.. mse ni cedey pon ade...uwwwaaa!!!!even mak angkt ak ni xbyk ckp,cm pendiam owg still caring n i can feel it!..b4 ak,wafa n fam angkt ak bsiap2 nk g dewn,ktowg tukar2 alamat umah n contact,leh la keep in touch afta dis kn..ak n wafa gak dpt ken bj kurung,tudung n cakr aym plus set lunch(sal xsempt nk jamah mak mask coz da mkn kat dewn tghari 2) tuk dbwe pulg...hiihi..besh lah!!maceh sgt2 kat dowg!!..pas penyerhn sijil n sguhati kat fam angkat..kami pon blik la ke UTHM y tercinta~~hihihi.. penat mmg xhengat penglmn y xleh dlupekn lah..hmm,mybe bln pose ni leh mlwt fam angkat ak n buke pose same2..insyaAllah~~

Friday, July 10, 2009

terengganu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i LOVE beach~~

last week my fam n i went to terengganu..act,we went there to send my sista coz she's further her stdy at,we tk dis oppurtunity to hv a parents,our siblings n included my grandma went to the island..hihi.
its really exciting coz we've quite long never went 4 a vacation trip like dis..
we rent appartment in resort near pantai bt buruk..da appartment quite comfortable 4 us..jz suite us since lots of members joining dis trip..
2nd day we'r in terengganu,we went to UMT which is too far frm our appartment..after da registration been done by my sis, we went to Pasar Payang. its a shopping tyme!!!!!!!!!
hahah..quite many we bought frm there..xpecially my mom n grandma..many things they bought as a sovunier for our relatives at Ipoh..
dat nite we hv our dinner near beach..n i really dun know wats da name of dat beach..haha
act,my bro already told me b4..but seems like my memory need more servives n i cant remembr da name..haikhik..doesnt matter!!
da food was damn delicious n tasty..we ate happily dat nite..huhu..
after dat, we wwnt to the Masjid Kristal..dats was da popular place n evey1 must visit dat plce..
its was superb wounderful masjid i ever seen..its change many colour n da scenery damn fascinated me..its jz dissapointed me coz i left da camera at appartment..hmm,i wish i could visit dat place again..hopefully~~~
next,we when to Pasar Payang again n b4 we goin back to Ipoh,we hv our lunch near Pantai Batu Buruk..we bought nasi dagang n picnic near da beach..hahha
we went back to Ipoh at 2pm from terengganu..da journey was damn tiring.. tyme i've must ask dad to hv our vacation to Pulau Redang..shld be more exciting!!!
Pasar Payang visit~~

penat taw kejar bus ni..coz nk snap ny pasal..

mom n i ^_~

its a long+ tiring journey, but im still hapy

haPpy fatHer's daY!!!!

erm..i know its quite late 4 da wish..but,nevermind..i dun care thou!
hahaso,i would like to wish hapy father's day to all fathers in da whole world..
on dats wounderful day, all my siblings except for yong which is my elder sis
are planning to hv a celebration 4 our lovely dad..
so,we bought cake n some snacks..since on dat day we'r going back to mom's kampung..thus,we decided to make da suprise party at the kampung wif my grandma,uncle,aunt n our cousins..
we celeb it during evening while havin our tasty teh tarik by my grandma..huhu..
n ayh got a present from nyah,which is my bro..a branded watch 4 ayh!!!yyeeeayy~~
happy father's day to ayah,Tuan Hj Haris B Mohamad!!..ur da besh dad i've ever had n i dun want others replaced u..
jz u r da only super dad for us n fam..hope ur in gud health everyday n pray 4 my succesful ayh!!..
i LOVE ayh!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

wounDerful KLCC~~

Petronas Twin Towers is the anchor project of Kuala Lumpur City Centre or KLCC. Standing at 451.9M high, it has two towers of 88-storey office building. The 1.8bil Ringgit Petronas Twin Towers building was officially opened on August 31, 1999 by Malaysia's 4th Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad. The Petronas Twin Towers was designed by Argentinean architect Cesar Pelly. The original design was 421M tall but later reworked to the present height.

Suria KLCC is accessible by a direct train link from KL Sentral via Kelana Jaya Line (KLCC LRT Station)and the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. It is accessed by 3 major roads - Jalan Ampang, Jalan P. Ramlee, and Jalan Kia Peng. It also has a dedicated taxi rank, bus stop, and copious parking space.

Outside Suria KLCC is the 20-hectare KLCC Park, part of the KLCC project designed by the late Brazilian landscapist Roberto Burle Marx. The KLCC Park includes a Symphony Lake with its 2 playful musical fountains at the esplanade just outside Suria KLCC. A 2-acre kiddie playground with colourful child-safe play equipment, a public wading pool, patterned footpaths and a soft and well design jogging track. Close to 2000 indigenous trees from 74 species are planted in the KLCC Park with about 40 trees preserved and replanted from the former Selangor Turf Club.

There are many interesting places at KLCC that can be visit. Furthetmore, we can easily get the branded items at the KLCC such as Louis Vouitton, MNG, Armani, Guess, and many more. besides, the beautiful panaroma of the KLCC Park will release tesion and we will more relax with the sounds of the waterfall from the park.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


.::yana n umi::.

.::penat gle neyh.hihi::.

last wednesday i hv my 'lathn amali elektrik' class..its our 1st tyme attended dat lab in this semetr..
actually,i dun hv any ideal wut will going to do dat day..after sum briefing fr our lecturer, Mr Omar.,im bcome so0 xcited that we r going to do wiring dat dy,,,yyyeeeeyy!!ahhaa...we hv to do thw wiring fr A to Z...means dat,we hv to do the circiut on the wall,,,do arrangement n measuremnt the wires dat we need..screw the plug n the mentols..its really tough work as it is my 1st tyme do the wiring,,it thought it was so0 easy coz i alwayz see da wiring done by the wireman in my hs...ekekke...i still remember dat at dat tyme im tryin to hammer the nail n my partner,Umi was stnding back of me..she hold the PVC coz its hard if im alone hold n hammer the nail togethr...i need to hammer nail to da ceiling,i tryin so0 hard n many tyms,,buts,still didnt work coz da nail is do small,i accidently hammer my own finger...huhu...not so pain,sib baek!!hihi,,im still hammer but at oncw tyme i ter hammer U mi's head!!goooshh!!shes really in pain but we still can laughin at the stairs...eekekekkeke...so0 funny!!!thx god theres nothin serious injure..hheee..we still focus on our work,,but,it so sad dat we cannt manage to do all da wiring on tyme...the lecturer ask us to stop coz the class is over..the wiring not succesfully done!!its quite dissapointed for us...but,we still hv the experience...hhehehe
serious shit!!!!its a damn tough work for a gurl lyke me...but,its fun n a sweet experience for me...weee~~i know mybe ppl out there laughin at me,n say dat wiring is so0 damn easy!!!huhu...i dun care,i jz want to highlite here dat wiring is so hard to do n a tiring stuff,,,wuu..but,its a challenge 4 me to bcome an engineer someday..bcoz b4 i becme a succesful engineer,i need to do this kind of work dat usually the technician will do..heee..
its my first tyme wiring i ever done!!ekekke ^_^

.::our wiring..huu::.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

~gUrlz cRazIE on fridAy~

its a friday!..i jz back fr termodinamic class..there should b no class on dat day..huuu..
but my sweet friday morning has been distracted..aarrgghh!!..but,its okay..nothing to do today..
jz relaxing at yati's place..huhu...jz hv a finger massage-chatting..ahahhaa..hmm,ili,yati n i think of sumthin to do this weekend..release tension,afta short discussion..eceh,sound s like a big meeting lak..huhu..we r finally decide to go for a karoke n bowling..yeeeyy!!
bp mall!!here we come!!muhahahaha..

as we stepped the mall's floor,we straight away to the karoke center...yeeey!!
its has been a long tyme i did not karoke..ahhaha..we choose our favourite songs. its really fun!..with ma dearies fwen~yati + ili..lurve them damn much..hheee..bcoz of to0 enjoy,we did not realize dat we hv spend almost rm10 jz 4 da karoke..hahahha...

[[yati yana karok fever]]


then,we go 4 a bowling!!
its fun..but its not my luck on dat day, i kalah teruk!!
hiskk..hmm.i think theres problem with da lane floor..hhee...quite frustrated lorr..but its okay..mybe nex tyme i do betta thn dat..huhuinally got my shirt
its almost 7:30pm when we finish playing bowling..
i went to surau..pray 4 a while..n afta dat, i ask them to accompany me to buy a shirt..hhee..i ask them to wait for me bcoz i need to choose the shirt im gonna buy..afta 30mins,i finally got my black shirt..its so0 damn cute!!ili really jealous wif me..ekekeke..then,i do the payment,while they jz check out some sales in the other side of the counter..but!!!
u know wut??intstead of kz looked around the sales,they decided to buy shirt,,,its not jz a shirt ..but,,,,they buy A FEW of shirt each,,,muhahaha,,its really funny!!ili bought 5 shirts and yati bought 3shirts..hihihi,,,xde duet konon!!looks like they all r more xcited to shoppin thn me,,hahaha...we were shoppin till we didnt realize that the clock has reached 11pm..ahaha
we need to rushed bcoz our stomach r making noise coz we havent eat anythin since that evening..,,,we decided to hv our dinner in parit raja,,
our favouryte stall near the parit,,,ekekke...n afta half n hr,we go back to our lovely uthm,we afraid dat the guard will not let us drive back,,eekekee,thanx god!we finally can get back to our ostel..yeeyyy!!its really damn tired dat nyte!!n we hv a long sleep till 10am in a next mrning,,hihihi
but,i really enjoys wif my gurls!!!hhee....

~My n3w apPle piE~

[[ myself n i ]]
hey there..
haa..atlast!!i hv a blog..
muahhaha..this is my 1st lovely-sweetheart-pumpkin-bla3 blog eva..erkk..its dat so0 lovely??ekekek..hope so!
ahahha..actually its not my wish to create this blog..
its my lecturer wish!its 1 of our assignment 4 dis sem..thx to
mr Azmi..
if he didnt force us to do this blog..hhee..i bet!i will neva eva hv a blog..
mybe this blog can b an alternatve way 4 me to express my feelin..
really lurve my new h0bby!! wweee~~ ^_^

Friday, January 16, 2009

~jgn pandang blakg~

As I pass through a dark road, my car suddenly broke down. I stopped my car at a side of the road and tried to start the engine a few times. But, it didn’t work at all. I felt strange because my car is in good condition before I start my journey. I had a bad feeling and many negatives things was crossed through my mind as I’m alone in a dark area at a late night. I decided to get out from the car and walked slowly to the in front. I opened the car’s boot and checked if there is something wrong with the engine. It seem like everything was in good shape. Once I tried to start again the engine, a car was coming from back side. Then, it stopped in front of me and I stepped out from my car. It looked like there were two passengers riding the car. A man was come out from the car. As he turned himself to me, he quickly get in his car back and he looked so frightened seem he look a ghost in front of him. Then, without any minute, he started his car and drove hurriedly. I’m so frustrated because I thought that man can help me to repair my car. The area was as quiet as the car left me behind. Then, I walked into my car back and tried to start the engine many times. From the main mirror, I could see a shining light. Maybe it’s a car or any vehicle that cross the road. I waited in the car until the vehicle pass through me. In a few minutes later, a bus passed through my car. It parked in front of me. The driver, a man wears shirt with a hoot come down from the bus. He walked to me as I stepped out from the car. He asked me why I stopped my car in such dark area. I replied to him that my car was broke down and I couldn’t start my car. He checked the engine and some adjustment was done by him. He also told me that it is dangerous to be alone in this area as the times are running to midnight. Later on, he asked me to start the car. After the third times I tried to start the car, finally the engine was successfully started. The man closed the car’s boot and i smiled and showed my finger thumb as a signal that he has done a good job. Unfortunately, the expression of his face was so weird and his eyed didn’t look at me but back of me. I feel weird to saw his expression. Then, I turned back to look if there is anything at the passenger seat. There’s no one on the seat. I turned in front to say thanks to the guy. To be surprised, the man has gone and started to drive his bus away. Once again, he gets me get confused with his attitude just like the other man.
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